General Terms and Conditions and
Terms of Use for the Website
This web site and the related web sites contained herein (collectively, the "Site") make available information on third party hotels, resorts and other transient stay properties (“Properties”) and other travel-related or consumer goods and services. This Site is offered exclusively by Grand Hotel GmbH, Kaerntner Ring 9, A - 1010 Vienna and/or by affiliated companies (JJW Hotels & Resorts) and/or its various third party providers and distributors. The offer of goods and/or services is conditioned on the user's ("User('s)" or "You(r)") prior acceptance of the terms and conditions and notices set forth herein and on other pages of the Site (collectively the "Terms").
By accessing, using, viewing, transmitting, caching or storing this site or any of its services, functions or contents, you shall be deemed to have agreed to each and all the terms, conditions, and notices in this site ("agreement") without modification. If you do not agree, please cease use of the site and leave the site immediately.
This document consists of:
General Terms and Conditions of Business of Grand Hotel Wien
I. Scope
- These General Terms & Conditions of Business (GTC) apply to any and all services provided by Grand Hotel GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “the Hotel”) to guests, event organisers and other contractual partners (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractual Partner”). These services consist, in particular, of allowing the use against payment of hotel bedrooms and other premises such as those for conferences, banquets and/or other events, as well as all further offerings and services of the Hotel associated therewith. The Hotel is entitled to have its services performed by third parties.
- These GTC apply to all forms of contract, such as hotel accommodation, package tour, quota or event contracts concluded with the Hotel. The GTC shall also apply for all future business dealings with the Contractual Partner.
- The GTC of the Contractual Partner shall not apply even where the Hotel fails to expressly reject these. Any conflicting statements by the Contractual Partner making reference to its GTC are hereby rejected.
II. Contract conclusion
- Each individual contract comes into effect following the written or verbal booking request from the customer and after its acceptance by Grand Hotel GmbH. Grand Hotel GmbH shall be free to accept the contract in writing, verbally, in text form (by e-mail or fax) or ultimately by the provision of services.
- If the contracting party enters into a so-called contingency contract, the contracting party shall be liable for any and all damage culpably caused by the end-user.
- The subletting, re-letting or free-of-charge use of the rented rooms by third parties as well as their use for purposes other than accommodation shall require the Hotel’s express permission. On request, the Hotel may, at its own discretion, grant an exception in writing.
Any sublease or use of the rented rooms for purposes other than accommodation, as well as for public invitations or other advertising purposes, for interviews, sales events or any other activities of the above nature shall require the prior written consent of the Hotel.
III. Use of rooms / Check-in / Check-out
- Rooms are made available exclusively for the purposes of accommodation. The customer may not bring food or beverages to the Hotel. Exceptions can only be made upon prior consultation with the Hotel and payment of the customary service costs / cork fees.
- The Contractual Partner shall be liable to the Hotel for any and all damage caused by it or by third parties who have received services rendered by the Hotel on its initiative.
- The Contractual Partner shall have no claim to the use of particular rooms. If rooms should not be available in the Hotel, the Hotel shall inform the Contractual Partner of this immediately and offer substitute rooms of equivalent value in a nearby hotel of the same category. If the Contractual Partner declines the offer, the Hotel shall immediately refund payments made by the Contractual Partner.
- Booked rooms will be made available to the Contractual Partner from 2 p.m. on the date of arrival. Unless otherwise agreed, the Hotel reserves the right to allocate the room to others after 6 p.m. without the Contractual Partner being able to derive any rights or claims whatsoever.
- Rooms must be vacated by 12 noon at the latest on the day of departure.
For damages caused by the continued use of the room up to 6 p.m., the Hotel reserves the right to invoice up to 50% of the room rental rate, or to invoice 100% of the full room list price if the room is vacated after 6 p.m.
IV. Events
- The expected number of participants and the precise duration (the beginning and the end) of the event shall be communicated when ordering events and must be reconfirmed by the Hotel. The Contractual Partner shall notify the Hotel of the final number (= guaranteed number) of participants no later than 5 working days before the beginning of the event, however, the Hotel is entitled to recalculate the prices and to change confirmed premises if more than 10% of the expected number of participants is reduced. The final number (guaranteed number) of participants must be communicated to and confirmed by the Hotel. Said number is a guaranteed minimum number of participants that will be charged to the Contractual Partner. If more people take part than agreed, then the organiser will be charged for the actual amount of participants on the day.
- Where the agreed time of commencement of an event is moved, the Hotel shall be entitled to invoice the contract partner for all additional costs thereby incurred.
- Reserved rooms shall be available to the Contractual Partner only within the period of time agreed in writing. Use beyond those times requires the written permission of the Hotel which will in principle only be granted on payment of additional charges. Rooms shall be subject to change, to the extent that such is acceptable for the Contractual Partner by duly considering the Hotel’s interests.
- For events which go on beyond midnight, the Hotel shall be entitled to invoice € 50.00 plus stat. VAT per service employee booked for each hour or part thereof. The Contractual Partner shall be liable to the Hotel for additional services provided to the participants in the event or to third parties in connection with the event.
- Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, the Contractual Partner shall obtain the relevant official permits at its own expense. The Contractual Partner is responsible for complying with all relevant requirements of (administrative) law. The Contractual Partner shall pay any levies payable to third parties for the event, such as GEMA fees, application fees etc., directly to the creditor concerned without delay.
- The Contractual Partner shall be liable for the conduct of its employees, the participants at the event and also for any other auxiliary staff in the same way as for its own conduct. The Hotel can demand that the Contractual Partner should provide appropriate security (e.g., insurance, deposits and guarantees).
- To prevent damage, the affixing and installation of decorative material or other items must be agreed with the Hotel in advance. Exhibits and other objects brought in must be removed at the end of the event. Should the Contractual Partner fail to comply with this provision, the Hotel shall be entitled to have them removed and stored at the Contractual Partner’s expense. The Contractual Partner shall dispose of all transport packaging, outer packaging and all other packaging materials at its own expense. Should the Contractual Partner leave packaging behind after the end of the event, this may be disposed of at the Contractual Partner’s expense. All items such as decorative material brought in in connection with the event must meet all relevant statutory requirements.
- The Hotel is not insured for items brought in. The requisite insurance cover shall be taken out solely by the Contractual Partner.
- Where possible, the Hotel shall repair problems or defects in equipment provided by the Hotel. The Contractual Partner shall not derive any rights or claims in this regard.
- Where the Contractual Partner brings in its own electrical equipment, the Hotel management must give its permission before such equipment is connected to the electricity grid. The power consumed will be invoiced at the currently applicable electricity prices as charged to the Hotel by the power supplier. The Hotel shall be free to charge a flat rate fee at its discretion. Any faults or defects in the Hotel’s technical equipment caused by such connection shall be charged to the Contractual Partner.
- Where the Hotel procures technical or other equipment for the Contractual Partner from third parties, the Hotel acts in the name of and for the account of the Contractual Partner. The latter shall be liable for the careful handling and orderly return of such equipment and shall indemnify the Hotel against all claims by third parties on first written demand. The Hotel shall not be liable for failure to procure the equipment on time or for any defects in the equipment procured.
- The Contractual Partner may not bring any food or drinks to the events. Written agreement may be reached in special cases (e.g. national specialities etc.); in such cases, an overhead charge will be billed with deduction of the proportional cost of the goods.
- Newspaper advertisements containing invitations to interviews or sales events require the prior written consent of the Hotel. Should an advertisement be published without the consent of the Hotel, the latter is entitled to cancel the event.
- Any type of advertisement, notification or invitation containing a reference to the Hotel, in particular, the Hotel's name, requires the prior written consent of the Hotel.
V. Provision of services / Prices / Payments / Offsetting / Assignment
- The Contractual Partner is obligated to pay the Hotel’s prices that apply or have been agreed for the room and the other services received by the Contractual Partner. This shall also apply to any other expenses incurred for the services arranged by the Hotel for the Contractual Partner. All prices are quoted inclusive of VAT and duties at the statutory rate in force at the time. Increases in taxes and duties shall be borne by the Contractual Partner.
If the period between conclusion of contract and initial provision of services exceeds 120 days, the Hotel shall be entitled to increase prices by a maximum of 15%. Subsequent alterations to services may lead to changes in prices. The Hotel is entitled to request an advance payment or provision of security from the contract partner on conclusion of contract of up to 100% of the total amount due by the Contractual Partner. The amount of the advance payment and payment dates may be specified in the contract. - Amounts due to the Hotel are payable without deduction within 14 days upon receipt of the relevant invoice. An invoice shall be deemed to have been received by the invoice recipient at the latest 3 days after being sent, except where earlier delivery can be proved. A default interest of 12% p.a. shall be charged in case of payment arrears.
- The preparation of a consolidated invoice shall not release the contract partner from the duty to pay individual invoices on time. Default of payment, even of an individual invoice, entitles the Hotel to withhold all future services and make the performance of such services contingent on the provision of a security covering up to 100% of the outstanding payment.
- For each reminder sent after default occurs, the Hotel may charge a reminder fee in the amount of € 10.00. In principle, invoices are payable immediately in cash or by credit card. The Hotel reserves the right to reject cheques, credit cards or payment in foreign currencies. Vouchers from tour operators will only be accepted if a credit agreement exists with the company concerned or if corresponding advance payments have been made. No refunds will be provided for services that were not used.
- The Contractual Partner may only offset a claim against the Hotel if its claim is undisputed or has been upheld by final judgement. This equally applies to the Contractual Partner exercising a right of retention in relation to its own claims. Claims and other rights may only be assigned upon written consent of the Hotel.
VI. Withdrawal by the Contractual Partner
- The specific reservation, change and cancellation conditions stipulated in the reservation confirmation apply to various prices (for example, early booking discount, best available price, etc.) and different event times (for example, congresses, events, etc.).
- If the booked room(s) is (are) cancelled after the respective deadline, cancellation fees will be charged. The applicable cancellation deadlines and fees are stated in the respective reservation.
- Cancellations of events must be communicated to the Hotel by the Contractual Partner as soon as possible in writing. If the event is cancelled altogether, the Hotel will charge the Contractual Partner the following cancellation fees, unless otherwise explicitly stated in the reservation confirmation:
Cancellation of events with contractually agreed rent:
120 to 91 days before the event:
50% of the agreed rent
90 to 61 days before the event:
75% of the agreed rent
60 to 31 days before the event:
100% of the agreed rent
30 to 6 days before the event:
100% of the agreed rent as well as
5 to 0 days before the event:
50% of the expected food and beverage sales
100% of the agreed rent as well as
100% of the expected food and beverage sales
Cancellation of events with contractually agreed conference packages:
120 to 91 days before the event:
25% of the conference package for the agreed number of persons
90 to 61 days before the event:
50% of the conference package for the agreed number of persons
60 to 6 days before the event:
75% of the conference package for the agreed number of persons
5 to 0 days before the event:
100% of the conference package for the agreed number of persons
- The Contractual Partner is entitled to prove that no loss was incurred by the Hotel or that the loss incurred was less.
- Insofar as the Hotel can provide the cancelled service to third parties within the agreed period, the cancellation charge payable by the Contractual Partner shall be reduced by the amount that such third parties pay for the cancelled service, but up to a maximum of the total cancellation charge due.
- The service cancellation and/or reduction must be approved in writing by the Hotel.
VII. Withdrawal / Cancellation by the Hotel
- Under the statutory regulations, the Hotel is entitled to withdraw from (Section 918 BGB [Austrian Civil Code]) or terminate (Section 314 BGB [Austrian Civil Code]) the contract if
- the Contractual Partner fails to meet an obligation
- the fulfilment of the contract is rendered impossible due to force majeure, strikes or any other circumstance for which the Hotel is not responsible,
- the Contractual Partner gives misleading or false information on material data
- the Contractual Partner uses the name of the Hotel in promotional materials without the prior written consent of the Hotel,
- the rooms which are the subject of the contract are sublet, in part or in full, without the Hotel's written permission
- the Hotel has reasonable grounds to assume that the use of the Hotel’s services may jeopardize the Hotel’s smooth business operations, safety, or reputation among the general public;
- The Hotel must notify the Contractual Partner in writing of its withdrawal or termination immediately, or within 14 days of becoming aware of the grounds at the latest. Rescission of the contract by the Hotel does not entitle the Contractual Partner to compensation or any other settlement. If the Hotel terminates the contract on legitimate grounds, it remains entitled to compensation for any loss it suffers, as well as the expenses incurred.
VIII. Liability of the Hotel / Items brought into the Hotel / Statute of limitations
- The Hotel may only be held liable for any legal and contractual claims if it has acted with intent or gross negligence.
- However, the Hotel can also be held liable for slight negligence in the case of damage or loss
- due to the breach of essential contractual duties. In such cases, liability is limited to foreseeable losses typical for that type of contract
- arising due to an injury to life, limb or health.
- The Hotel cannot be held liable for consequential damage or loss or indirect damage or loss.
- Waivers and limitations of liability also apply in the same manner to all companies, including their subcontractors and assistants, employed by the Hotel to fulfil its contractual duties. They do not apply if the Hotel provides a guarantee regarding the quality of an item or work or if it fraudulently conceals a defect.
- The Contractual Partner is obligated to notify the Hotel of any visible defects without delay, at the latest prior to its departure from the Hotel.
- The statutory provisions contained in sections 701et seq. BGB [Austrian Civil Code] are applicable in relation to items brought in by the Contractual Partner.
- Items left behind by the Contractual Partner / guest shall only be forwarded at the request, risk and expense of the Contractual Partner. The Hotel will store the items for a time period of 12 months and charge a reasonable fee for doing so. Insofar as the items have a recognisable value, items will then be turned over to the local lost property office.
- All claims of the Contractual Partner, to the extent that the latter is a consumer, against the Hotel arising out of or in connection with the contract shall lapse after one year starting from the end of the year in which the claim arose and the Contractual Partner became aware of the circumstances giving rise to the claim, or would have become aware but for gross negligence. Consumers are subject to a statutory warranty period.
IX. 9 Additional provisions for package tour contracts
- Where, in addition to providing food and accommodation, the Hotel is obligated to organise a leisure programme itself as a free service, this shall constitute a so-called package tour contract.
- The Contractual Partner may not assert any claims due to changes to, variations in or curtailments of individual services within the scope of a package tour contract which become necessary subsequent to conclusion of contract if such changes, variations or curtailments are merely insignificant.
- If the services that have been agreed upon and provided are not used by the Contractual Partner, the total fee may not be reimbursed or reduced.
- The Hotel is not liable for any damage suffered by the Contractual Partner due to the utilization of a specific service provided by a third party. The Contractual Partner is directed to claiming eventual damages from the specific provider of the specific service.
X. Place of performance and payment / Place of jurisdiction / Ancillary agreements / Severability
- Place of performance and payment shall be the registered office of the Hotel.
- The place of jurisdiction shall be Vienna.
- Any and all claims arising out of these GTC shall be subject to Austrian law excluding its principles of conflict of laws.
- Any modifications or amendments to the contract or to the GTC shall not be effective, unless made in writing. Any unilateral changes or modifications on the part of the Guest shall be invalid.
- Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be or become ineffective or void, the effectiveness of their remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby.
The General Austrian Hotel Contract conditions shall apply to all areas that have not been separately stipulated. These are available at: www.wko.at.
Vienna, March 2018
Grand Hotel GmbH
Kärntner Ring 9
A-1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 – (1) – 515 80-0
Fax: +43 – (1) – 515 80-13
[email protected]
Use of this Site
The services of this Site are available only to individuals who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law, and thus, are not available to minors. By using this Site, You represent that You are of sufficient legal age to use this Site and to create binding legal obligations for any liability You may incur as a result of the use of this Site. You also warrant that You are legally authorized to make the travel reservations and/or purchases for either Yourself and/or for any other person for whom You are acting.
You may only use this Site to make legitimate reservations or purchases and shall not use this Site for any other purposes, including without limitation, to make any speculative, false or fraudulent reservations, or any reservation in anticipation of demand.
This Site is to be used by You for Your personal use only. Commercial uses of this Site are strictly prohibited. You agree that You will not use this Site for chain letters, junk mail, "spamming", solicitations (commercial or non-commercial) or bulk communications of any kind including but not limited to distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a list. You agree not to pretend to be any other person or a representative of any entity, whether actual or fictitious, including an employee or agent of Grand Hotel GmbH or any third party that provides services related to this Site. Any reservation made that does not comply with these Terms shall be deemed not to have been made validly.
"Chat Area" means any chat area, forum, message board, or similar service offered in conjunction with this Site. If You participate in a Chat Area, You agree that, in addition to complying with these Terms, You will not: defame, abuse, harass, threaten, or make any discriminatory statements about others; advocate illegal activity; use indecent, obscene or discourteous language or images; or provide content that is not related to the designated topic or theme of the Chat Area. You shall remain solely responsible and liable for Your use of the Chat Area. Grand Hotel GmbH reserves the right to remove or edit content from any forum at any time and for any reason in its sole and absolute discretion, however, Grand Hotel GmbH has no duty to do so, and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any information in a Chat Area.
You agree that You will not use any robot, spider, other automatic device or manual process to monitor or copy the Site or any content or information contained herein, unless You obtain Grand Hotel GmbH prior express written consent. You agree that You will not, through any means, interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of the Site. You agree that You will not provide to Grand Hotel GmbH and/or to this Site: (i) any viruses, worms, time bombs, and/or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, intercept or expropriate any system, data or information; and (ii) any content that may create liability for Grand Hotel GmbH or cause Grand Hotel GmbH to lose (in whole or in part) the services of our suppliers.
Terms Incorporated by Reference
In addition to these Terms, You agree to the terms, conditions, and notices specified at the following links, which are hereby incorporated into this Agreement:
- Grand Hotel GmbH’s privacy policy found at the following link:
Grand Hotel GmbH privacy policy - Grand Hotel GmbH’s general terms and conditions found at the following link:
Grand Hotel GmbH general terms and conditions
Proprietary Rights Information
This Site contains trademarks, patents, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes or other proprietary rights of Grand Hotel GmbH and/or other parties. No license or right to or in any such trademarks, patents, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes and other proprietary rights of Grand Hotel GmbH and/or other parties is granted to or conferred upon You. No material from the Site may be reproduced, distributed, posted, displayed, uploaded or transmitted. The use of any material from the Site on any other internet, intranet, web or other site or computer environment is prohibited. You may not utilize framing techniques to frame any Grand Hotel GmbH trademarks, logos, or other proprietary information (including images and text). You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing Grand Hotel GmbH´s name, trademarks or other proprietary information.
The trademarks, logos, service marks and trade dress displayed on this Site (collectively, the "Trademarks") are registered and common law Trademarks of Grand Hotel GmbH, its affiliates and various third parties. Any reproduction or use of any of the Trademarks without the prior, express written consent of Grand Hotel GmbH is prohibited. Nothing contained on this Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the Trademarks without the prior written consent of Grand Hotel GmbH or such other party as may own the Trademarks.
This Site, including each of its modules, is the copyrighted property of Grand Hotel GmbH and/or its various third party providers and distributors. This Site and the content provided on this Site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, modified, transmitted or distributed without the prior written consent of Grand Hotel GmbH, except that You may download, display and print one copy of the materials presented on this Site on a single computer for Your personal, non-commercial use only. Unauthorized use of this Site and/or the materials contained on this Site may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws or other laws. You must retain all copyright and trademark notices, including any other proprietary notices, contained in the materials. The use of such materials on any other web site or in any environment of networked computers is strictly prohibited.
Any software that is made available to download from this Site ("Software") is the copyrighted work of Grand Hotel GmbH and/or its various third party licensors. Your use of the Software is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the Software ("License Agreement"). You may not install or use any Software that is accompanied by or includes a License Agreement unless You first agree to the terms and conditions of said License Agreement. Copyright laws and international treaty provisions protect all of the Software. Any reproduction or redistribution of the Software, including, without limitation, copying or reproduction of the Software for further reproduction or redistribution, is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted. Any warranty applicable to the Software will be specified in the terms of the License Agreement. You acknowledge that the Software and any accompanying documentation and/or technical information are subject to applicable export control laws and regulations of Austria.
User Feedback
We welcome your comments and feedback, as your opinions are important to us. You may submit any ideas, comments, suggestions or other information to Grand Hotel GmbH related to improvements to the Site, services related to the Site, Properties or your experiences (“Feedback”). Feedback includes, without limitation, hotel reviews, hotel recommendations and ratings, questions, comments, photographs, videos, suggestions, ideas and the like. Grand Hotel GmbH shall own all rights related to the Feedback submitted by You including, without limitation, intellectual property rights, which shall be assigned to Grand Hotel GmbH for the purpose of using the Feedback to improve or enhance your web site experience, or for other marketing purposes without compensation to You, in particular the right to, reproduce, translate, distribute, publish, derive other content from, and publicly display such Feedback and grant the right to use the Feedback to any Property anywhere in the world. You agree that Grand Hotel GmbH shall have the right to modify or adapt such Feedback or use such Feedback in part, provided such modification, adaptation or use does not result in a material alteration of the Feedback. You further agree that Grand Hotel GmbH and the Properties have the right to attribute your Feedback to You by using your first name and last initial or your initials only, should Grand Hotel GmbH choose to do so. Distribution of Feedback may take the form of web publishing, web logs (blogs), and/or social media placement anywhere in the world in any form of media that currently exists or that has yet to be developed. You warrant that the holder of any rights in the Feedback has completely and effectively waived any and all such rights, to the extent permitted under applicable law, and has validly and irrevocably granted to You the right to provide the proprietary rights to Grand Hotel GmbH stated above.
None of the Feedback shall be subject to any obligation of confidentiality on the part of Grand Hotel GmbH or a Property, and neither Grand Hotel GmbH nor any Property shall be liable or responsible for any disclosure of the Feedback or its use of any Feedback, to the extent permitted under applicable law. In addition, Grand Hotel GmbH assumes no liability nor takes any responsibility for any Feedback posted, stored or uploaded by You or any third party or for any loss or damage as a result thereof. You are responsible for creating back-up copies of any Feedback You post on the Site at your sole cost and expense.
As a provider of interactive services, Grand Hotel GmbH is not liable for any Feedback, statement, or representation provided by other Users in any forum on the Site, or for your reliance thereon, and Grand Hotel GmbH is not liable for any mistake, slander, libel, omission, obscenity, defamation or pornography that You may encounter. Although Grand Hotel GmbH does not have any obligation to remove (except to the extent provided for by law), screen, monitor or edit the Feedback or submissions distributed or posted by other Users of the Site or stored on the Site, Grand Hotel GmbH reserves the right to do so in its sole and absolute discretion to the extent provided for by law. Grand Hotel GmbH may provide a number of resources onwww.grandhotelwien.com or .at where You can provide Feedback and/or interact with other customers, such as bulletin boards, discussion forums and review services. You are solely responsible for your use of such areas and must use them at your own risk. By using any of these interactive resources, You expressly agree that You will not post, upload, transmit, distribute, store or create any of the following:
- Any content, including, without limitation, any post, message, photograph or any other material that is fraudulent, inflammatory, libelous, defamatory, abusive, lewd, obscene, pornographic, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or other rights, or otherwise unlawful or objectionable. Grand Hotel GmbH expects You to act in a manner which is decent and respectful.
- Any content that would be considered illegal or violate any local, state, federal or international law, or the rules and/or regulations of any local, state, federal or international regulatory body or agency;
- Any content that would infringe upon any trademark, copyright, patent or other intellectual property or image right of any person;
- Any content that contains an impersonation of any other person or entity or inaccurately represents your affiliation with a third person or entity;
- Any advertising, promotion, political campaigning, contest or raffle;
- Any private information of any of any kind regarding any third party;
- Any computer virus or other harmful or disruptive files;
- Any content that is not related to the topic at hand; and
- Links or content that, in the sole and absolute judgment of Grand Hotel GmbH, is objectionable, exposes Grand Hotel GmbH to any risk, harm or liability of any kind, or impacts the enjoyment of other Users of the site.
If it is determined that, notwithstanding anything contained herein, You retain any moral rights in the Feedback, You hereby agree that (a) Grand Hotel GmbH need not use any personally identifying information in connection with the Feedback, or in any derivative works or updates thereto; (b) You have no objection to the publication, use, modification, deletion and/or exploitation of the Feedback by Grand Hotel GmbH or its licensees, successors and assigns as provided for herein; (c) You forever waive, and agree that you will not claim or assert, any entitlement to the moral rights of an author in any of the Feedback; and (d) you forever release Grand Hotel GmbH , and its licensees, successors and assigns, from any claims that you could otherwise assert by virtue of any such moral rights.
Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement
Grand Hotel GmbH respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you think that your work has been copied in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact Grand Hotel GmbH at the following address:
Grand Hotel Wien
Attn: Data protection coordinator
Kaerntner Ring 9
A-1030 Vienna
Grand Hotel GmbH respects the privacy of Users of this Site. Grand Hotel GmbH has provided the Grand Hotel GmbH Privacy Policy so You will be informed about use of the information Grand Hotel GmbH collects on this Site. You hereby acknowledge and agree that You have read and consent to the terms of the Privacy Policy located at the following link: Grand Hotel GmbH privacy policy which is incorporated by reference herein.
You acknowledge that Grand Hotel GmbH will know passwords that You use to access the Site. You acknowledge and agree that You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your information and passwords, and accept responsibility for all activities that occur under Your account or password. Grand Hotel GmbH takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content posted or submitted by You or any users of Your account.
Linked Web Sites
This Site includes links to other web sites. Grand Hotel GmbH provides such links solely as a convenience to You and for informational purposes only. Grand Hotel GmbH has not reviewed all of the information on these other web sites. The inclusion of these links in no way indicates Grand Hotel GmbH´s endorsement, support or approval of the content, advertising, products, services, policies or other materials on or available from such web sites. Neither Grand Hotel GmbH, nor any other providers of products or services related to this Site, shall be responsible for the content of any other web sites and makes no representation or warranty regarding any other web sites or the content, materials, products or services on such web sites. If You decide to access other web sites, You do so at Your own risk, You should carefully review the privacy statements or policies on any other site that you visit.
Advertising Disclosure, Accuracy
The Site may contain inaccurate content, typographical errors or omissions. Grand Hotel GmbH is not responsible for typographical, pricing, product information, advertising or shipping errors, and shall not be liable for any damages that may result therefrom. Advertised prices and available quantities are subject to change without notice. Grand Hotel GmbH reserves the right to make changes, corrections and/or improvements to the Site, and to the products and programs described on the Site, at any time without notice.
Mis-Communications / Lost Transactions
Neither Grand Hotel GmbH nor any other providers of products or services related to this Site are responsible for communication malfunctions, failures, or difficulties, or lost, stolen, or misdirected transmissions, messages or entries, or the security of any such communications. Further, neither Grand Hotel GmbH nor any other providers of products or services related to this Site are responsible for incorrect or inaccurate entry information, whether caused by User(s), by any of the equipment or programming associated with the Site, or by any technical or human error that may occur in the processing of any information related to the Site, and shall not be liable for damages resulting from any of the foregoing. Grand Hotel GmbH and any other providers of products or services related to this Site may cancel or modify reservations where it appears that a User has engaged in fraudulent or inappropriate activity or under other circumstances where it appears that the reservations contain or resulted from a mistake or error.
You agree that neither Grand Hotel GmbH nor any other providers of products or services related to this Site are responsible for any damages that may arise as a result of any travel or Property arrangements or other orders You request or make on this Site which are not processed or accepted for any reason.
Personal Information, Credit Card Information
You agree that neither Grand Hotel GmbH nor any other providers of products or services related to this site are responsible or liable in any way for injury, loss or damage to your computer, or interception or use of credit card information or other personally identifiable information, related to or resulting from use of this site or any sites linked or associated with this site.
Grand Hotel GmbH makes no warranty or representation regarding the confidentiality of any communication or information transmitted on this site or any web site linked to this site. you agree that neither Grand Hotel GmbH, nor any other providers of products or services related to this site, are responsible for the confidentiality of any information, (including, without limitation, credit card information, personally identifiable information, email addresses or phone numbers), and neither Grand Hotel GmbH, nor any other providers of products or services related to this site, are liable or responsible for any damages that may arise from disclosure of such information.
Use of Third Party Suppliers
In order to offer the services related to this Site, and fulfill reservations or orders users place on this Site, Grand Hotel GmbH may use third party suppliers. You acknowledge and agree that the carriers, Properties and other suppliers providing travel or other services for Grand Hotel GmbH may be independent contractors, and not agents or employees of Grand Hotel GmbH. Your credit card statements for products or services purchased on this Site may refer to such third-party suppliers or their respective fulfillment vendors, rather than to Grand Hotel GmbH. You agree that Grand Hotel GmbH is not liable for the acts, errors, omissions, representations, warranties, breaches or negligence of any such third party suppliers or for any personal injuries, death, property damage, or other damages, loss or expenses resulting from the use of such suppliers. Grand Hotel GmbH has no liability and will not make refunds for any delay, cancellation, overbooking or other causes beyond Grand Hotel GmbH’s direct control, and Grand Hotel GmbH has no responsibility for any damages, loss or additional expenses resulting therefrom.
Your Additional Obligations
You agree to the terms and conditions of purchase imposed by Grand Hotel GmbH , each Property, and other suppliers of other travel services (air, land, or sea), which may include, but are not limited to, restrictions against back to back ticketing, hidden city ticketing and round trip for one-way ticketing. You also agree that you are fully responsible and shall pay for all charges, amounts, fees, duties, taxes, and assessments arising out of Your use of this Site and of the services provided herein when due, including additional taxes and fees that may not be included in the quoted rate. You agree to comply with all rules regarding the availability of rates, products or services, including penalty fees arising from Your failure to comply with said rules. You understand that any violation of any supplier's conditions of purchase may result in: cancellation of Your reservation(s) or purchase(s); Your being denied access to any flight(s), Property(s), automobile(s), activities, or service; Your forfeiting any monies paid for such reservation(s) or purchase(s); and Grand Hotel GmbH debiting Your account for any costs Grand Hotel GmbH incurs as a result of such violation. You also agree to allow Grand Hotel GmbH and each Property, and other suppliers of other travel services to charge the credit card on file for the payment of penalties arising from the Your failure to comply with such rules.